Thursday, October 31, 2019

World of Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

World of Work - Essay Example According to Ashenfelter (1999), computer technology has resulted to change in relative demand for skills. Change in workplace caused by introduction of computer has required individual workers to enhance their skills. However, the change has made work to be much easier and enjoyable than it used to be before. This has actually made individual workers to be more efficient on their roles thus becoming more productive. Currently, an employee who used to type one page using the typewriter can write ten pages using a computer in a much easier and enjoyable manner. The change in workplace resulting from introduction of computers has also resulted to great impact to the society. Through internet technology, computers enhance searching of record as well as the displaying of results (CSA, 2010). This has reduced the level of fatigue for individual workers. As a result, their interaction during work and after work has been greatly enhanced. Moreover, the technology has improved communication between individuals. This has greatly enhanced the relationships of individuals in the society thus resulting to societal

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Financial institutions and markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial institutions and markets - Essay Example There are a number of benefits of OBS activities that a given bank can reap. It has been mentioned earlier that the bank is required to make a committed, which it is expected to honor. As a consequence, the bank charges some amount of fee while making this commitment. This fee charged by the bank charges constitutes the initial benefit of the off-balance-sheet activities to the bank. The structure of the normal interest rate is also applicable to the commitment if it is a requirement that the bank honors this initial commitment. This happens as the normal interest rate structure moves onto the bank’s balance sheet. However, the need to use either equity or deposits in funding the asset is an operation that the bank avoids. This is due to the fact that the original commitment by the bank never appears on the balance sheet. Possible additional deposit insurance premiums as well as reserve requirement balances are thus avoided by the bank as the bank improves its stream of earnin gs. A bank may encounter some risks while engaging in OBS activities, with the borrower’s credit risk being the primary risk on the bank’s asset’s side. On many occasions, until the borrower encounters a credit-worthiness altering financial situation or problem, the borrower does not utilize the bank’s commitment. The other risk is the negative impact that the movement of the off-balance-sheet activities into the balance sheet has upon the foreign exchange and rates of interests of the bank. Off-balance-sheet mortgage-backed securities were created and also held during the financial crisis by the largest FIs. However, these are some associative losses with regard to these securities, which lead to the acquisition, failure and bailout of some of these FIs. Additionally, the world’s economic as well as financial systems almost experienced some melt down. Based on

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Issues in Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs)

Issues in Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) India is becoming a hub in the field of clinical research and a center for drug discovery and development and this advancement has created an urgent need to strengthen the current drug safety measures. Pharmacovigilance has emerged as an important field of science related to activities regarding detection, assessment, understanding detection and prevention of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and other drug related issues. The current pharmacovigilance system is not fully able to address these issues because of certain â€Å"challenges† being posed to it. While major advancements of the discipline of pharmacovigilance have taken place in the West, not much has been achieved in India. Some of the important challenges to our existing pharmacovigilance activities are: under-reporting, lack of knowledge, proper training, education, attitude and motivation, confusion regarding terminology and definitions used in pharmacovigilance. Increasing use of biologics and herbal medicines in cur rent medicine practice further pose challenges to our pharmacovigilance systems. There is lack of information about the active principle, efficacy, adverse effect profile, quality assurance/quality control, informal selling interaction potential in case of herbal drugs. On the other hand, a complex production process, limited predictability of preclinical to clinical data, high potential for immunogenicity possibility of an underlying exaggerated pharmacology in case of biologics further grieve the situation. Also there is need to improve the spontaneous reporting and causality assessment scales with high quality data submission. KEY WORDS: Pharmacovigilance, India, ADRs, AEs, Challenges INTRODUCTION India is an emerging hub in the field of clinical research and a destination for drug discovery and development. Several new drug entities, new dosage forms, vaccines etc. are being introduced in the country challenging the monitoring of adverse drug reactions over a large population base. The monitoring of both known and unknown side effects of medicines is important even if the drug is in use for several years so that the safety profile of the drug can be ascertained. This has paved the way for pharmacovigilance. Pharmacovigilance may be defined as the pharmacological science relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse drug reactions or any other possible drug related problems (1), particularly long term and short term side effects of medicines. While major advancements of the discipline of pharmacovigilance have taken place in the West, not much has been achieved in India. Although in India, pharmacovigilance has progressed from the situation as it was in past, but for different types of problems and limitations progress is yet not very rapid. (2) The current review focuses on a number of elusive issues which require attention addressal: Under-reporting: India specific causes possible solutions Under-reporting is a major limitation of spontaneous reporting systems for suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in India. It is both a technical and a psychological issue. Under-reporting may lead to failure to recognize an unacceptable risk associated with a particular drug. Furthermore, differences in reporting between different drugs may lead to apparent differences in the toxicity which may be spurious. It can lead to delay in signal detection and underestimation of the magnitude of the problem. There is a long exhaustive list focusing on the causes of under-reporting: Lack of awareness There is a general lack of awareness among health care professionals in terms of increasing health burden of ADRs. Those who are aware of this fact, fail to recognize the logistics of ADR reporting like who all can report, where to report what to report. Lack of knowledge attitude A large proportion of studies have found that the knowledge and attitudes of health care professionals appear to be strongly related with reporting. This result may have important implications in terms of public health, if knowledge and attitude are viewed as potentially modifiable factors. (5, 6) Lack of motivation Due to the passive nature of collection of reports, data collection is not exhaustive as it depends upon the attitude motivation of the clinicians. Hence, some ADRs even if observed are not likely to be reported. Some feel that reporting a single ADR wont help much in contributing! Fear of litigation loss of reputation Sometimes healthcare professionals fear that the acknowledgement of adverse reactions may reflect negatively on their competence or put them at risk of litigation. There is also a general fear of loss of reputation among the medical fraternity patients. Misconceptions about what to report Some are reluctant to report adverse reactions because of doubts regarding the causal role of the drug. There is a uncertainity in majority of the cases regarding the drug causing the particular adverse drug reaction. Unfriendly ADR reporting forms hassel of posting of the forms Some health care professionals fail to report due to the complexity of ADR reporting form. At any given instance of time all the information required to be filled is not available. Even after filling the form still there remains a hassel of posting of the forms. So, one always prefers to stay away from the problem. At times, difficulties in accessing the forms also contribute. Lack of time to report Excessive patient load in the health care set up in a developing country like India further worsen the situation. The other factors which contribute towards under-reporting include hesitation lack of confidence. Correcting for under-reporting is difficult because the exact magnitude of under reporting is unknown. It has been seen that more number of ADRs are reported spontaneously usually after a reminder or following scientific workshops, conferences or other awareness programs and it decreases gradually over a period of time. So sustainability is an important factor for determining the spontaneous reporting of ADRs. (3) In addition, it has been found that serious, unexpected ADRs those associated with newly marketed drugs are more likely to be reported. Easy access to ADR reporting forms, clarity of criteria for reporting, simple procedures and good motivational practices such as acknowledging the receipt of adverse drug reaction reports by personal letter or phone call, providing feedback to reporters in the form of articles in journals, adverse drug reaction bulletins or newsletters, organizing scientific workshops, trainings at regular intervals are all influential in addressing the problem. The periodic e-mail update on the safety of drugs represents an effective and inexpensive way to raise the awareness of clinicians on the importance of spontaneous ADR reporting. For continuous motivation there appears to be a need to adopt a policy of regular updates and educational strategies for health professionals. (4) There is an urgent need for regular training of all health care personnel in the form of workshops, symposiums scientific meetings. The training sessions must clarify the roles of the various healthcare professionals in pharmacovigilance. There should be closer relationship between the doctors and the pharmacovigilance centre’s. The paramedical staff should also be equally trained since they are in closer contact with the patients for a longer duration and can play an important role in making the pharmacovigilance programs more efficacious. Information analysis of the reported material is a highly specialized and complex job. It should be made as simple as possible by the use of appropriately trained staff, so that one may be able to provide an answer with greater certainty. Causality assessment scales are an example where there is need of improvement so that proper causal relationship between the drug and the adverse effect can be established. Appropriate training and educat ion regarding Pharmacovigilance should also be introduced during the formal teaching of medical graduates as a welcome step. Unfortunately, this activity is missing in our existing medical education system. Though we are now involving many of the medical colleges as Pharmacovigilance centre’s but still most of the undergraduates are unaware of this process. (7) The reporting of adverse reactions needs continuous stimulation. Therefore, it seems necessary to hold awareness programmes at regular intervals to improve the ADR reporting. It is important to achieve the development of a positive attitude towards pharmacovigilance among healthcare professionals so that adverse reaction reporting becomes an accepted culture in India. Vaccine Safety/Pharmacovigilance The goal of pharmacovigilance of vaccines is the early detection and timely response to adverse events following immunization, in order to minimize negative effects to the health of individuals and lessen the potential negative impact on immunization of population. A stringent safety surveillance of vaccines is crucial since the majority of vaccines are administered not only to vulnerable children but also to healthy population. Moreover, vaccines are complex biological products, which may include multiple antigens, live organisms, adjuvants, and preservatives which can be responsible for the ADRs. e.g. lymphocyte meningitis after anti-mumps vaccine. (8) So, each component has unique safety implications, which is important to capture as compared to other drugs. (9) In addition, difficulties in causality assessment in case of vaccines makes the situation more worse. (10, 11) Execution of Adverse Event Following immunization (AEFI) surveillance program in India is a challenge taking into account its large geographical area. Capacity to detect respond to AEFIs needs improvement in India. A multipronged approach is the need of the hour to ensure effective vaccine safety surveillance. Pharmacovigilance in clinical trials: A newer approach to patient safety in clinical trials Safety monitoring of drugs during clinical trials is now recognized as one of the major concerns for new drug development due to the increasing complexity of clinical trials involvement of large cohorts of participants. In a clinical trial, all adverse events experienced, irrespective of the causality should be monitored, accurately documented and adequately reported in a timely manner following the local regulatory requirements. Safety data from clinical studies is a key component that drug regulatory authorities consider in the decision-making as to whether to grant or deny market authorization for a drug. In addition, safety data from clinical trials helps not only in restricting harm at one centre but provides further vigilant action at other centres also. As per recent gazette notifications, Any unexpected serious adverse event (SAE) (as defined in GCP Guidelines) occurring during a clinical trial should be communicated promptly (within 14 calendar days) by the Sponsor to the L icensing Authority and to the other Investigator(s) participating in the study (Appendix XI In cases of any trial related injury, the safety data from clinical trials also serves as a basis for casuality aseessment for calculating compensation. Regarding reporting responsibilities of the investigators, Schedule Y states that: Investigator(s) shall report all serious and unexpected adverse events to the sponsor within 24 h and to the Ethics Committee that accorded approval to the study protocol with 7 working days of their occurrence. Pharmacovigilance in clinical trials needs to be encouraged and fostered. The present scenario requires reform and needs recommendations for building a robust safety surveillance system for clinical trials in India. Arora D. Pharmacovigilance obligations of the pharmaceutical companies in India. Indian J Pharmacol 2008 February , 40 (Suppl 1): S13-S16 Focused Pharmacovigilance HIV/AIDS, Malaria Kala-azar are major public health concerns in India. Adequate systems and infrastructure for ADR monitoring and risk management activities are largely absent in India, adequate national or regional quality and safety monitoring systems after drug distribution are also lacking. With increase in number of patients, availability of new drugs, generic fixed-dose combinations and the ignorance of pharmaceutical company sector in global pharmacovigilance activities, there is a great need of focused pharmacovigilance. In India, a total of 2.4 million patients were suffering from HIV/AIDS in 2009 and about 200,000 new HIV-positive individuals are diagnosed each year. (12) Antiretroviral therapy reduces morbidity and mortality in people living with HIV infection, but adverse drug reactions remain a potential barrier to treatment success as they are an important cause of poor adherence due to inability to tolerate antiretroviral therapy. ADR monitoring and causality assessment in resource-limited countries like India remain major challenges. In India, Post-marketing ADR monitoring often relies exclusively on spontaneous reporting which is a major issue. As of now there is no pre-existing surveillance system solely dedicated to ADR monitoring of anti- HIV/AIDS drugs in India. (13, 14) We can develop an HIV-focused pharmacovigilance program which can integrate both active and passive ADR surveillance for antiretroviral therapy (ART). Moreover integrating the HIV-focused pharmacovigilance program with the existing health care program of AIDS can go a long way. (15) As per WHO report 2011-2012, South East Asian Region bears the second largest burden of malaria (13%), only second to African region (81%). Among South-East Asia region, India shares two-thirds of the burden (66%) followed by Myanmar (18%) and Indonesia (10%). (16) Emerging chloroquine-resistance especially in P. falciparum is considered as one of the important contributing factors responsible for an increase in its occurrence in India. Because of this there is a wide scale use of Artemisinin based combination therapies (ACTs) and other new drug combinations. Our health systems have a very little experience with these new drugs. Pharmacovigilance for ACTs and other combination treatments in India is essential as malaria transmission is high and antimalarial drugs are used very frequently. Moreover, drugs can be obtained without a prescription. Informal use of antimalarial drugs may increase the risk of incorrect dosing, inappropriate treatment, and drug interactions which may impact negatively on drug safety. Furthermore, the administration of antimalarial treatments in patients with concomitant illness, including HIV/AIDs, tuberculosis and malnutrition, is a concern. So all these factors demand a focused pharmacovigilance activity to ensure sa fe use of antimalarial drugs especially the ACTs and other new drug combinations. (17, 18). In India Kala azar cases are mostly concentrated in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Jharkhand with over 165.4 million people at risk (19). Sodium antimony gluconate (SAG) and miltefosine are the first line drugs for the treatment of kala-azar are known to cause several side effects. Sodium antimony gluconate (SAG) has been known to cause anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, metallic taste in mouth, diarrhoea, pancreatitis, reversible elevation of liver enzyme activities, myalgia, arthralgia, proteinuria, ECG changes (T wave inversion,prolongation of QT interval, ST segment abnormalities), phlebitis, uveitis, optic atrophy, acute renal failure, hepatic necrosis and bone marrow hypoplasia. (20) Miltefosine is known to cause mild adverse effects which are mainly gastrointestinal in which loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting were found to be the major dose-limiting side effects. Other frequently observed miltefosine-related toxicities are mainly associated with the kidneys and liver. (21) Teratogenicity is the main limitation to the use of miltefosine which calls for responsible surveillance appropriate mechanisms to protect the women of child-bearing age. (22) In addition to the adverse-effects, quality of the generic products also need to be monitored. (23) In view of the current side effect profile other related issues monitoring of adverse effects to anti-leishmanial drugs is utmost. Focused Pharmacovigilance for anti-leishmanials can be integrated with the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) which is an umbrella programme for prevention and control of vector borne diseases.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Cyber Squatting and Domain Speculation †A Global perspective :: Argumentative Persuasive Internet Essays

Cyber Squatting and Domain Speculation – A Global perspective Introduction and definitions ‘Cyber squatting’ has become an increasing source of annoyance and problem in the internet world. Apart from some of the other issues such as internet security, hacking and frauds, which usually occur after going online, ‘Cyber Squatting’ is the first major problem faced by any company well before they even setup an internet web site. Before moving on to the various issues, it is often unclear of what ‘Cyber Squatting’ actually is. Simply put, cyber squatting means the registration of a domain name in violation of a trademark or business name or other intellectual property of its owners. This includes the registration of a name deceptively similar to such business name or trademark. Usually, domain squatters register these domains before the company does and offer these domain names to such business houses at a premium 1. U.S. Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Judge Berle M. Schiller defined cyber-squatting or cyber-piracy as the "deliberate, bad-faith, and abusive registration of Internet domain names in violation of the rights of trademark owners.† 2. Using this definition put forward by Judge Berle some of the major cyber squatting problems, that directly violate the trademark of corporation, has been solved. But another increasing problem is the issue of Domain Speculation. Another practice that sometimes, and misleadingly, is called cyber-squatting is domain speculation: the registering of domain names based not on recognized brands but on generic terms (e.g.,, Speculators register generic domain names in the hope that a company will wish to buy a particular name for its own commercial use2. Current problems Going back to the problem of cyber squatting we can refer to a much earlier case in China. This was the time when Chinese corporations did not enjoy the protection of the law against cyber squatters. In the past few years, many cyber squatters registered the names of many famous Chinese companies in domain registrars in countries such as the United States. As a result, these Chinese companies were forced to pay large sums to 'reclaim' their domain names. For example, cyber squatters registered the domain name ''. The Chinese company that owned the trademark 'KELON' paid RMB1 million to reclaim the domain name from the cyber squatter3 In this case we can see that the only way Chinese companies could resolve the issue was to either pay large sums of money to the domain squatter or just get another domain.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chipotle Essay

Executive Summary It is the findings of this report that if Chipotle were they to expand and begin serving customers in China, they would experience growth that would rival that of its United States business after 6 years. Market and Industry Analysis Overview of Chipotle Chipotle opened its first restaurant in Denver, CO in 1993 with major investor; McDonald’s Corporation. McDonald’s fully divested itself from chipotle in 2006. Since then, Chipotle has grown very fast across the Unites States and they currently have 1450 stores located in 43 states. They have also expanded their business globally to obtain a bigger market share. Chipotle opened their first European restaurant in May 2010 in London, and then opened their second European location in Paris in May 2012. Chipotle’s CEO Steve Ellis decided to change Chipotle’s quality of food and introduced naturally raised pork in 2000. Chipotle continued to expand on their naturally raised offerings and in 2002; they introduced naturally raised chicken to the menu. In 2004, they completed their quality of food transition by adding naturally raised beef and changing their frying oil to zero trans-fat oil. 2.1.1 Product/Brand The value of Chipotle’s product is in the way they cook, the quality of food they cook with, and the customizable experience that the customer has while they order their food. Their products value is increased by using sustainable, naturally raised food that is sourced locally with cooperating farmers. Their open space kitchen is designed to give customers the feeling of a fresh cooked meal and accentuate the smell that comes with it. The way the ingredients are displayed along the order line can also give the customer an impression of freshness and cleanliness. 2.1.2 Sustainability â€Å"Food with integrity† Chipotle’s sustainability perspective is slightly different from what customers usually expect; which is environment friendly. Chipotle does use 100% recycled napkins and paper bags instead of plastic, less packaging in order to reduce their trash, and emphasizes environmentally friendly service; however their main focus of sustainability is focused on how their food is produced. Chipotle decided to make their own produce standards and require farms to constantly meet them before they make contract with them. Chipotle puts a strong emphasis on sourcing their food locally from small farmers because Chipotle believes they care more about the way they raise their animals more than massive animal farms. Each of the locally sourced farms is located within 350miles from the Chipotle restaurant. The following are requirements that farms must meet for Chipotle to use their product in its restaurants: * Animals (chickens, pigs, and cows) are naturally raised with an organic vegetarian diet and stress-free environment thus eliminating the need for antibiotics to improve the product of the animals. * Milk and cheese: fully pasture-raised cows are a requirement. This means that cows have daily access to outdoor pastures, are never given added hormones, and are fed an all vegetarian, plant-based diet. Chipotle’s focus is not on only serving natural, organic food but also on educating its customers. Their new approach to customer education and  sustainability has helped Chipotle increase their sales and build a successful business model. 2.1.3 Product positioning Chipotle is on the record as saying their products are more expensive fast food in order to assure their higher quality compared to other fast food restaurants. Their target market segment is consumers between the age of 18-35, with slightly higher average income and higher education more than high school diploma. Chipotle has differentiated their restaurants as a unique fast, casual dining restaurant. This means that the customer receives food in a short period of time, but they can also enjoy their meal inside Chipotle’s restaurant at a table with a modern, sophisticated atmosphere. Chipotle’s availability and ease of product customization is also unique selling point. Their basic menu is very simple; they provide various toppings (both meat and vegetables) for customization that are added to the main meal at the direction of the customer. For example, one burrito has a selection of two kinds of rice, four to five kinds of meats, beans, vegetables, and multiple salsa options. This variety of food customization is also one of the Chipotle’s core competencies. Demographics of China China has the highest population for a country at 1.334 billion people. While their growth has slowed considerably, they are still growing and expected to hit 1.5 billion people by 2025. At the end of 2012, China had a total urban population of 712 million, or 54.3% of the total population. This percentage keeps increasing exponentially and researchers expect nearly 70% of China’s population will live in urban areas by 2035. GDP Growth The following chart show the gross domestic product (GDP) based on purchasing-power-parity. | 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| 2010| 2011| GDP| 10170| 7099| 7973| 8818| 10090| 11440| Growth in %| | -30.2%| 12.3%| 10.6%| 14.4%| 13.4%| A nation’s GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates is the sum value of all goods and services produced in the country valued at prices prevailing in the United States. Most economists prefer this measure when looking at per-capita welfare and when comparing living conditions. From the table we can see that since 2007, this number keeps increasing with double digit percentage. In short, it means that people in China are getting wealthier and can afford a higher life style. Political and Legal Restrictions of China Doing business in China for US companies involves considerations not only of Chinese law, but also of US law. Companies need to understand the impact of both countries’ laws on their business dealings with China. China’s commercial laws are changing rapidly to correspond to Western commercial laws. There remain many uncertainties because the process is not yet complete. China is not a political risk hot spot, with little political violence, business interruption, strikes or riots. They have stability with a one-party system, but there is little transparency in the rules and what the law says and how it is implemented are not always the same. Top 10 Fast Food Chains in China The fast food market in China is considered to be a fragmented market where there are lots of small to mid size companies and even the â€Å"big players† have stiff competition. American style restaurants have been gaining in popularity since the 1990s. The following table shows the top ten largest fast food chains in China and their annual sales. As we can see from the table, four of them are owned by American companies. KFC is the top fast food company in China followed by McDonald’s, then Pizza Hut, and finally Ajisen Ramen. Name| # of Restaurants in China| Annual Sales in Billions ( ¥)| KFC| 4260| 50.7| McDonald’s| 1800| 26.5| Real Kungfu *| 380| 2| Li Hua Fast Food *| 80| .2| Dicos *| 869| 2.73| Pizza Hut| 889| 26.3| Mian Dian Wang *| 45| 2.81| Da Niang Dumplings *| 300| .3| Ajisen Ramen| 320| .391| Malan Ramen *| 439| .36| * Local Companies McDonald’s in China McDonald’s entered main land China in 1990 and opened its first restaurant in Shenzhen. Now, McDonald’s has more 1800 restaurants in China’s urban areas. The table below compares the average income of people and the price of a cheeseburger in the United States and China. This information gives Chipotle the framework on how to set their prices. From the table, we can conclude that people in China are willing to pay more for dining in an American style fast food restaurant. | 2010| 2011| | USA| Shanghai| People’s Average Income (Monthly)|  ¥14,251|  ¥4331| Price of Cheeseburger|  ¥6.7|  ¥8.00| Price of Cheeseburger/Income| .0005%| .002%| In order to cater local tastes, McDonald’s China set up a special menu which is only available in China. Products only in China:| | McVeggie Burger| – only available during special/religion holiday| Park ball| – only in Chinese New Year| Sakana Supreme| – Japanese style| Double Wasabi Filet O-fish| – Japanese style| EBI Burger| – Shrimp burger| Others:| Curry Burger, Fish Finger, Seafood Balls, Crispy Chicken Wing w/ Curry Flavor Sauce or Lemon Sauce, Bento Box w/ Rice, Pineapple Pie, Banana Pie, Curry chicken Pie, etc.| Difficulties We May Face While Entering Chinese Market While entering the Chinese market, there are a few difficulties we may face. Like other food and beverage companies, we may have a hard time with the increasing food and commodity costs which could affect our margins and discourage the company from opening new restaurants. Chipotle may need to be concerned about other competitors in the Chinese market. In the U.S., the average amount spent per customer at a Chipotle restaurant is around $11, compared to less than $4 for McDonald’s. This clearly indicates that Chipotle’s Mexican food is way more expensive than burgers and sandwiches served at McDonald’s. In addition, increasing food prices could result in lower visitor count or decreases in average amount spent per customer visit. This could eventually dampen the company’s plan of opening new restaurants. Developing Chipotle China Chipotle has already demonstrated their ability to expand into other markets with its successful European and Canadian eateries already having been open. The purpose of this section is expand on what Chipotle has already been doing in international markets and at home and how these advantages might be turned into a plan of action when establishing themselves in China. Competencies of Chipotle Core Competencies in the United States Chipotle’s competitive advantage is their product differentiation, which is formed with a combination of sustainable-high-quality food, a quick-reliable production process, well-trained employees that offer fast service, a unique casual dining concept, and product customization. While they focus on their reliable high quality food, they also focus on how they serve food. Their dining experience and quality food differentiate themselves from other fast food industry, yet they still consider themselves as a fast food. Chipotle’s concept is serve fast, and let customers spend more time on eating. Chipotle has always pursued ingredient-sourcing options within local markets. This commitment to freshness is almost unrivaled in the home market. Using a just-in-time sourcing system, Chipotle is able to maintain this level of quality in its numerous locations while still keeping costs down overall. Their well-trained staff and mangers for local restaurants use what resembles that of a traditional â€Å"kanban† or card system, which is often used in Japanese manufacturing. When a restaurant runs low on a certain ingredient, specific steps are taken immediately to get that ingredient restocked to optimum levels. These optimum levels generally only indicate the demands for a few days of orders, with new orders taking place after a pre-determined level of what has been used. As mentioned above, these food ingredients are locally sourced, that is to say, from local farmers that are within the area. Chipotle believes that this strategy is important not only to maintain freshness, but also to avoid unnecessary processed food and increased pollution in transporting ingredients from farther away to achieve a lower price point. Well-trained staff and managers are also counted among some of the highest factors of success when discussing what makes Chipotle a winner in the home market. These individuals undergo a fairly standard but rigorous training regime that starts with, and what will be expanded on in section 3.3, the customizability of and the creation of the entire menu. Everyone staffed at Chipotle is capable of executing any order at any degree of customizability. Additional cost to customers, where it applies, is often tracked on their convenient top lids so that no confusion should take place at the register should the maker focus on the next customer. All of this turns into a well-greased burrito and taco making machine, pumping out order, after order. This machine is well satisfied as well, with Chipotle experiencing very low turnover. Core Competencies Entering China Well-trained staff, though a concern to any business looking to expand abroad, is something that Chipotle can look forward to easily fitting within the Chinese restaurant experience. The serve fast, casual dining experience is unique to Chipotle because competitors like KFC have repositioned as a more normal dining experience and McDonald’s has not changed the way it serves food to customers. This style of dining might take some time to get used to but it’s expected to be very popular. Risk of Keeping Sustainable Competitive Advantage in China Entering the Chinese market might be challenging for Chipotle in terms of implementing a locally sourced food system because it could be difficult to find local farms that can meet Chipotle’s quality standard. In order to solve this problem, Chipotle can gradually educate local farms to meet their standards before they make a contract. This would bring additional costs for training and time, however it is worth to implement this strategy in order to gain Chinese local people’s trust and maintain Chipotle’s food quality standards. Competitive Advantage Entering China From our outline in section 3.1, we find that Chipotle has a number of core competencies. Unfortunately, many of these are easy to imitate and do not necessarily give Chipotle an advantage over competitors. Truthfully, many of these competencies are and have been adopted from other restaurant chains that had come before Chipotle, or from McDonalds which initially had a large stake in the company. We have, however, identified one advantage that sets Chipotle apart, namely, the customizability and interchangeability of their menu. Where one might exchange regular fries for ones without salt at McDonalds, one might replace baked beans with guacamole at Chipotle. For the same base price, with minor additions depending on the nature of the addition, you may customize your dish dozens of times without sacrificing the quality of your meal. This advantage and the process of ordering from such a wide selection when entering China becomes less overwhelming when looking at their long history an d culture of noodle making and how one might customize a noodle dish with a wide selection of ingredients based on a single product. Where that product may be a burrito or taco shell for Chipotle, this would be a simple buckwheat or flour noodle for classic Chinese noodle restaurants. We will address this advantage directly in our advertising media by showcasing our overall selection and customizability. Core Strategy Chipotle’s core strategy will be adopted primarily from restaurants, specifically American restaurants that have already experienced success in China. Though we do not seek to emulate these plans, they have proven  successful and provide significant insight into what seems to work best with Chinese consumers. Product Positioning In China, Chipotle will be still be positioned as a fast service, sit down dining restaurant. As an added bonus, Chipotle will take advantage of the country of origin effect, marketing its restaurants as â€Å"American-Mexican food† establishments. Their target market will be consumers between the ages of 15-40, with slightly higher average income and higher education more than high school diploma. This is also known as the emerging middle class. While Chipotle is targeting a larger market than normal, this will be handled by appealing to the younger ages with the â€Å"cool† and â€Å"hipness† of an American restaurant. Chipotle will market their healthy, hormone free produce, and locally sourced food to appeal to the older Chinese market. Product Adaptation Portion size is one of the key examples of how Chipotle needs to adapt to survive. Chipotle’s large, almost twelve inch burrito wraps, are too large for Chinese consumers. The Chinese also have no tradition of taking home leftover food after finishing at a restaurant. These two factors combined provide significant insight in how the menu can be tweaked in its current form to facilitate Chinese consumers. Reducing portion size by 30% will help to increase Chipotle’s margins and allow for cheaper prices to stay competitive within the market. Burrito wraps, tacos and overall serving containers need to be drastically reduced in size, providing some cost savings. Naturally, the timeline for ingredients and freshness need to be re-evaluated on this same basis. This will allow Chipotle to operate in significantly smaller restaurants, or at least maintain smaller kitchen sizes. Localize offerings by country and region in an effort to please local consumers. Additional ingredients may also be sourced from local farmers to lend themselves to a wider variety of Chinese pallets. Though certain regions may not be as receptive to spicier foods; seafood, a wider variety of beans/vegetables and alternative meat products will be introduced. These will initially serve as promotional items, but, depending on their  reception, may become common on the menu. By adapting its menu to fit Chinese consumers, Chipotle still maintains its quality ingredients, but also expands into the average daily diet of the Chinese. Market Entry Strategy The market has opened up considerably in China as they conform to Western laws. Chipotle will start a new company incorporated in China instead of doing a joint venture with an already established Chinese company. This new corporation will become a subsidiary of Chipotle and be almost entirely owned by Chipotle. To create a Chinese subsidiary, laws require that at least 25% of equity must be owned by China in the form of citizens, Chinese Corporations, or the Chinese Government. This will leave the other 75% to be owned by Chipotle. This will allow Chipotle to make a direct investment in China, hire local staff, develop and market products and services directly to China. This will allow Chipotle to become part of the Chinese community like they have in the United States. Pricing Strategy Research done shows that while China’s average income is consistently growing from year to year, it is in Chipotle’s best interest to have prices similar to main competitors (KFC and McDonald’s) in order to not price themselves out of the market. Chipotle is positioning itself as a fast service, sit-down dining style of restaurant very similar to KFC and keeping prices in line with top competitors will help keep Chipotle competitive and help improve their market presence. By doing a direct translation of pricing from the US to China that would make Chipotle’s average meal cost around  ¥50. That is why Chipotle will be using market oriented pricing. This pricing strategy uses research of the market to determine prices of the product in order to keep an organization competitive. | Cost Per Meal| Portions Reduced by 30%| Chipotle|  ¥50|  ¥35| KFC|  ¥32|  ¥32| McDonald’s|  ¥22|  ¥22| Conclusion| Directly translating prices will cause Chipotle to be too overpriced for effective market penetration.| Reducing portion size by 30% will allow us to reduce costs, making Chipotle more competitive.| Distribution – Chinese Farms Restaurants Customers With its commitment to freshness and locally sourced food, we find that, even as Chipotle expanded internationally, we find that Chipotle continued to source food locally. We expect this practice to translate well into the Chinese market. Though the Chinese market is trending, and is expected, to trend toward more urban populations, China has a strong history toward farming. Many of our base ingredients are already trending well in farms around China and can be sourced within China for this reason. Many other ingredients, otherwise not readily available or necessarily demanded by western clients in the United States, are also available and allow us even further customization. Chipotle’s logistics and overall structure we expect, overall, to be unchanged, with only partners and distribution channels changing to accommodate the more prevalent and efficient rail system to rural parts of China. This means that we are able to translate our just-in-time system to fit China, and main tain the same level of quality and overall efficiency through our order system. KFC, currently the top competitor, outlined in SECTION 2.4, enjoys a similar system, though their ingredients tend to favor poultry. By partnering with the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China, Chipotle will enjoy direct access to local farmers in rural parts of China, while also fostering goodwill with the country and government. It will also give Chipotle access to one of the most robust banks in China, the Agricultural Bank of China. Alternatively, Chipotle can try to gain direct access to local farmers through traditional channels. We expect this to be much less efficient overall, negatively affecting our go-to-country timeline outlined in section 3.3. Promotional Policy Chipotle will use an integrated marketing campaign to provide the same message to various segments through the use of several different mediums. Overall, Chipotle will spend 18,000,000 YMB to create a campaign to increase brand and product awareness. With over 988 million mobile phone subscribers in China, marketing through text messages, email, and Chipotle’s smartphone  application is essential. This will allow Chipotle to reach their target market in areas only near Chipotle locations with the Chipotle Application to order or deliver food. It will also increase brand awareness and word of mouth through text message/email promotions and advertisements. Increasing Chipotle’s online and social media presence in China will help increase awareness with Chipotle’s brand. Many companies use special online or social media discounts or coupons in order to attract customers in to their physical stores. Chipotle can use this to their advantage to interact with potentia l consumers and to let them know everything that Chipotle has to offer. Physical or virtual, word-of-mouth is an essential brand-building tool for companies in China. Sixty percent of Chinese consumers say friends and family members are a major source of product information, based on which they make purchase decisions. For these reasons, successful companies in China cluster investments in a few geographic markets. This allows them to gain a market share after which network effects kick in, accelerating growth and improving profitability. Since Chipotle is only targeting highly urbanized areas with a large installed population, using a word-of-mouth strategy is important for building brand awareness and consumer trust. Word-of-mouth can be kick started by offering free lunches to key influencers or persuaders in the community or by sponsoring events with lunches at Universities or schools. Financial Projections China has many cities that are based on agriculture, along with many rural areas. There is an abundant amount of farmland throughout China, therefore making produce and ingredient procurement very easy for Chipotle. According to our research, China remains the biggest driver of global GDP growth. Despite a â€Å"lower† forecast of 8.2% GDP growth in 2012, according to the World Bank, after a 9.2% rate in 2011, it is hard to argue that this country is doing anything other than booming. Chipotle had a five-year earnings growth rate of almost 40% and a stock price that has soared more than 575% since early 2007. Chipotle and China also share many of the significant similarities, for example the love for rice and beans. We believe by differentiating our product from our competitors and providing customization as well as catering and delivery services, our implementation plan will make  money in the long term. Chipotle’s main competitors (KFC and McDonald) had set their pr ice in China similar to the prices in United States. Therefore, we believe that directly translating United States pricing will be feasible strategy. KFC and McDonald both require at least 15,000,000 YMB to become a franchisee in China. This 15,000,000 YMB this price includes building construction, equipment and dà ©cor, permits, initial franchise fee, development services fee, grand opening expense, real estate, start-up inventory, training expenses and many more. We believe it is safe to estimate our starting cost around 15,000,000 to 20,000,000 YMB, since China will be a new market for Chipotle. Chipotle increased their operating margins by 220 basis points as the company benefited from lower fixed costs such as labor cost and occupancy costs, as a percentage of revenue, primarily because of a 12.7% increase in comparable restaurant sales. According to Chipotle’s financial report, their operating cost is around $1,000,000 (6,190,000 YMB) per store every year in the United States, using that as a base, we predicts that operat ing cost will be less in China due to lower labor cost and such. Expenses for each store are as following, Break Even Using Direct Translation Pricing Fixed cost| 300,000 YMB| Variable Cost| 18 YMB| Cost for Advertising in China| 18,000,000 YMB| Sales Price to Customers| 50 YMB| Currency Exchange Rate| $1 = 6.19 YMB| Break Even in Units = 50x – 300,000 – 18,000,000 – 18x = 571,875 Break Even in Price = 571,875 x 50 = 28,593,750 YMB Break Even Using Market Oriented Pricing Fixed cost| 300,000 YMB| Variable Cost| 12.6 YMB| Cost for Advertising in China| 18,000,000 YMB| Sales Price to Customers| 35 YMB| Currency Exchange Rate| $1 = 6.19 YMB| Break Even in Units= 35x – 300,000 – 18,000,000 – 12.6x = 816,964 Break Even in Price = 816,964 x 35 = 28,593,740 YMB Operating Profit Analysis

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wirless Technology in the Work Place

Wireless Technology in the Workplace The utilization of wireless technology in the place of work, especially in government or public sectors has been escalating at a swift pace. There are a number of reasons behind this detonation. Adopting this technology at workplace enables an organization to benefit from uncountable advantages the technology encompasses. The benefits of using wireless technology in the workplace are measurable, significant, and clear (Seely and Duguid, 2000). Each and every day more and more sectors both in public and private are realizing these adorable benefits, not only for Information technology departments, but similarly for office based staff as well. The major advantages of utilizing wireless technology in the workplace include cost reduction and augmented productivity due to great mobility and flexibility. Expanding or installing the wireless network is easy and fast. It avoids the cost, time, complexity, as well as disruption of cables pulling through ceilings and walls. Moves, add, and transformations within an organization using wireless technology becomes less costly and timely (Paul-Lin, 2004). With this technology at workplace fewer resources are spent on reconfiguration of organizational offices. The technology is very productive when used in the workplace, as employees are able to access the required information for their respective jobs and at the time they require such information. It enables the field and remote workers to connect as soon as they reach at workplace. Since individuals stay in network connection, they are able to enter official information while moving (Paul-Lin, 2004). In this way it facilitates the productivity of employees at the workplace and thus enabling the organization to achieve their set objectives and missions to the public. Installation of wireless technology in the workplace gives the employees the freedom to move anywhere and anytime at their place of work or in a multi building while connected to the real time information (Staurt, 2002). PDA and laptop users in the workplace are able to access services of broadband internet, email as well as corporate network any time they desire to be online. Furthermore, with wireless technology application in the workplace, meeting rooms, public areas, and office space becomes extra flexible than when using wired technology. Workers can use the space in the way they choose to and whenever they require it. Hot spots are easily created anywhere an individual places a laptop (Axelrod and Cohen, 1999). Therefore, wireless technology or network provides more capacity immediately needed in the workplace. Ad hoc groups, projects teams, and others employees that might require temporary network can be contained instantly by this technology. While the individual experience of wireless technology application for work tends to be advantageous one, skilled or knowledge employees do encompass several concerns regarding its repercussion for their employers. The grave implication of this technology on an organization is alleged to be an increase in the amount of communications and information that employees have to encounter with. Few skilled employees say that they find it quite hard in determining which work related communications to focus on. Other drawbacks of using this technology in the workplace comprise the constant necessity to keep up to date with each and every latest technology, system malfunctions, and printer overuse plus associated paper wasting (Staurt, 2002). References Axelrod, R. , & Cohen, M. (1999). Organizational Implications- Scientific Frontier. New York; Free Press. Paul-Lin, B. (2004). Future Scenarios of Wireless Industry. Journal of Technology Management. Vol (9):101-128. Seely P. , & Duguid, J. (2000). The Social-Life of Information. Illinois; Harvard School of Business Press.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Slavery position with writers essays

Slavery position with writers essays The issue of slavery in the nineteenth century produced an overwhelming issue in society. There were some writers that favored slavery and then there were some that did not favor slavery. In favor of slavery were William Gillmore Simms, and Caroline Hentz. Those opposed to slavery were Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry David Thoreau, and Herman Melville. All of these writers presented their views of slavery in the their literary works. William Simms was a supporter of slavery and this evident in his novel, Woodcraft. This novel takes place in the south during the closing of the Revolutionary War. Simms was born in Charleston, South Carolina, so he was raised on the souths position of pro-slavery. In Simms novel Woodcraft, he states, Exhaustion not wisdom, or a better state of feeling, was the secret of the peace which was finally concluded between the two nations (America and Great Britain), and of which, South Carolina, and Charleston in particular, was eagerly expecting the benefits. (Simms 35) Great Britain had spent most of the Revolutionary War occupying Charleston and the soldiers would stay at the peoples home with out the homeowners consent. This angered many townspeople in Charleston and many other townspeople throughout the south. Since the war was coming to an end the people of Charleston could have their city and homes again. Also meaning plantation owners and slaver owners could resume back t o their work of the land, which was the major source of economy in the south. During the Revolutionary War, Great Britain was re-stealing the slaves of slave owners in the south. In Woodcraft, it is stated, South Carolina had already lost twenty-five thousand slaves, which British philanthropy had transferred from the rice-fields of Carolina to the sugar estates of the West India Islands; and there were yet other thousands waiting to be similarly transport...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Prioridades deportación por orden ejecutiva de Trump

Prioridades deportacià ³n por orden ejecutiva de Trump   Por à ³rdenes ejecutivas del presidente Donald Trump vuelve a aplicarse  el programa de Comunidades Seguras en todo el territorio de EE.UU.  y se aplican prioridades de deportacià ³n diferentes a las del gobierno de Barack Obama. En este artà ­culo se listan las prioridades de deportacià ³n que aplican en estos momentos, cules son las à ºltimas estadà ­sticas sobre cuntos migrantes se deportan y por quà © razones, cà ³mo el lugar de residencia puede afectar a la deportacià ³n y cul es la mejor estrategia para evitar una deportacià ³n. Asimismo, se responde a la pregunta sobre quà © migrantes tienen derecho a ser oà ­dos en corte para intentar frenar una deportacià ³n y, finalmente, cà ³mo obtener un perdà ³n a una deportacià ³n si à ©sta llega a producirse. Prioridades de deportacià ³n segà ºn orden de Trump Segà ºn el texto de la orden conocida como Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States, las nuevas prioridades de deportacià ³n son las siguientes: Condenados por cualquier tipo de delito y ofensas menoresMigrantes con una orden de deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n o una salida voluntaria y que no han obedecido y siguen en los Estados Unidos. Estn incluidas las personas con una orden deportacià ³n in absentia.Migrantes acusados de un delito pendiente de sentencia.Migrantes acusados de actos imputables.Fraude, tergiversacià ³n, declaraciones falsas y actuaciones semejantes en relacià ³n a asuntos oficiales de cualquier clase o agencia de gobierno. Atencià ³n con mentir en un documento oficial de cualquier clase o de palabra a un oficial porque esto es lo que se est castigando en este punto.Abuso para recibir beneficios de un programa de ayuda pà ºblicaConsideracià ³n por parte de un oficial migratorio de que una persona es un peligro para la seguridad pà ºblica o nacional.  Estn incluidas dentro de esta categorà ­a actividades tales como pertenencia a pandillas. Adems, se est deportando a personas con una suspensià ³n de la deportacià ³n, que se conoce en inglà ©s como stay of removal.   Finalmente, si un agente del ICE se encuentra de cualquier manera con un indocumentado, puede arrestarlo y o bien deportarlo o ponerlo en procedimiento para su deportacià ³n Incluso cuando el migrante tiene un rà ©cord penal absolutamente limpio.  ¿Cuntos migrantes son deportados con Trump? Segà ºn datos de la CBP, en el aà ±o fiscal 2018 fueron deportados 256.056 migrantes, un 13 por ciento ms que el aà ±o anterior. Es, en realidad, una cifra semejante a la del à ºltimo aà ±o de Obama en la Casa Blanca, cuando se deportaron 240.255 inmigrantes y un nà ºmero notablemente inferior al rà ©cord fijado por el propio Obama en 2012 cuando fueron deportados 409.949 migrantes. En 2018, con el presidente Trump, 145,262 migrantes deportados tenà ­an un rà ©cord criminal. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que bajo esa rà ºbrica se comprenden no solo actos delictivos sino tambià ©n faltas conocidas como misdemeanors en inglà ©s. De hecho, el 57 por ciento de los migrantes deportados con rà ©cord delictivo –un total de 158.000– tenà ­a como principal condena en su historial criminal una condena por manejar mientras estaban intoxicados, conocido en inglà ©s como DIU. La segunda causa ms comà ºn fue un delito o falta relacionado con drogas y la tercera otras ofensas de trfico. Adems, se deportà ³ a 42 personas sospechosas de terrorismo, 5.872 por sospecha o condena de pertenencia a una pandilla, 2.711 familias que ingresaron sin documento, 5,571 menores que llegaron a EE.UU. sin documentos y sin acompaà ±ar por un adulto. Tambià ©n fueron deportadas 22.796 personas con una acusacià ³n criminal pendiente y que fueron, en muchos casos, detenidos en una corte o en las inmediaciones de una corte. El resto de los deportados lo fueron, principalmente, por violacià ³n migratoria. Hay grandes diferencias a lo largo y ancho del paà ­s en cuanto a deportaciones. Asà ­, cuando se compara el aà ±o 2018 con el 2016, el à ºltimo de Obama en la Presidencia, se detecta un incremento notable de detenciones en Texas mientras que bajan visiblemente en California. Esto se debe, en gran medida, a la colaboracià ³n o rechazo de las autoridades locales a las prcticas federales sobre deportacià ³n. Resistencia a à ³rdenes de Trump: ciudades Santuario Por orden ejecutiva asegura que no se le puede prohibir a un agente local o estatal a nivel individual de colaborar o compartir informacià ³n con Inmigracià ³n, si asà ­ lo decide. Adems apunta a que no se repartir dinero federal con las ciudades que tengan como polà ­tica la de limitar el compartir informacià ³n en esta esfera. Esa posicià ³n del gobierno federal ha sido desafiada por ms de 300 entidades locales y estatales a lo largo de Estados Unidos, las cuales mantienen diversos grados de proteccià ³n a inmigrantes indocumentados. De ellas, en la actualidad unas 200 se niegan a cumplir las peticiones de las autoridades de inmigracià ³n de retener a un detenido mediante un hold o detainer para su entrega a ICE. Estados como California y ciudades como Nueva York y Chicago incluso mantienen una posicià ³n muy activa en apoyo de la defensa legal de migrantes deportados.  ¿Tienen derecho los migrantes a ser oà ­dos en Corte antes de ser deportados? Segà ºn la Quinta Enmienda de la Constitucià ³n de los Estados Unidos, ninguna persona puede ser privada de vida, libertad o propiedad sin el debido proceso. Este principio de debido proceso aplica, por interpretacià ³n de la Corte Suprema, a todas las personas presentes en suelo estadounidense y sujetas a su jurisdiccià ³n: ciudadanos estadounidenses, residentes permanentes, extranjeros presentes temporal y legalmente y migrantes indocumentados. El debido proceso implica que el gobierno debe probar los cargos contra cualquier persona en un juicio justo y con las debidas apelaciones. Sin embargo, esto no quiere decir que todos los migrantes tienen derecho a ser oà ­do en Corte antes de ser deportados, ya que se admiten otras formas de remocià ³n, como la expulsià ³n inmediata o la salida voluntaria. Asà ­, la expulsià ³n inmediata permite agarrar a un migrante que ha ingresado al paà ­s sin documentos o con documentos falsos y expulsarlo de Estados Unidos sin pasar por un juez de inmigracià ³n. Bajo la normativa que se venà ­a aplicando con el presidente Obama, se aplicaba a migrantes agarrados a menos de 100 millas de la frontera y que no podà ­an demostrar llevar ms de 14 dà ­as en el paà ­s. Ahora la expulsià ³n inmediata se aplica en todo el territorio nacional de Estados Unidos y a todas las personas que lleven menos de 2 aà ±os en el paà ­s o no puedan demostrarlo. Asimismo, procede la expulsià ³n inmediata para las personas que ingresaron legalmente bajo el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas, salvo en los casos en los que se pueda solicitar asilo o cualquier otra clase de alivio o ajuste migratorio. Por otro lado, tampoco tiene lugar un caso de deportacià ³n en Corte cuando un migrante que en teorà ­a tiene ese derecho renuncia al mismo y prefiere una salida voluntaria. En este caso se encuentran, entre otros, los detenidos en crcel o prisià ³n que deciden acogerse al programa REPAT para acortar sus sentencias a cambio de dejar EE.UU. por su paà ­s.  ¿Cul es la mejor estrategia si se abre un caso de deportacià ³n? En la actualidad y segà ºn datos de la Universidad de Syracuse hay ms de 800 mil casos pendientes migratorios pendientes. La cortes con las mayores demoras se encuentran en California, Texas, Nueva York, Florida y Virginia. En la prctica, desde que se notifica el inicio de un caso hasta obtener la sentencia final puede haber una espera de aà ±os. Mientras tanto, las estrategias de defensa recomendables son las siguientes: En primer lugar, se deben conocer los derechos. Por ejemplo, no se est obligado a abrir la puerta de casa a menos que los agentes muestren una orden judicial, por ejemplo por debajo de la puerta o a travà ©s de la ventana. Es muy recomendable leer estos consejos de ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union). En segundo lugar, se debe analizar con ojos realistas si existe una posibilidad para regularizar la situacià ³n. Consultar con un abogado de confianza si puede haber un camino. Una de las razones importantes por las que el nà ºmero de deportaciones con Trump no se ha disparado se debe a la labor de abogados, organizaciones de defensa de migrantes y de consulados como los mexicanos que se han volcado en procurar asistencia legal calificada. Es recomendable que cada migrante tenga un buen conocimiento de su situacià ³n, desde el punto de vista legal, que se asesore y como mà ­nimo se informe sobre si hay una orden de detencià ³n por cualquier causa o de deportacià ³n en su contra. En tercer lugar, es recomendable hacer planes preparndose para lo peor. Si al final se dicta orden de deportacià ³n contra la que ya no cabe apelacià ³n es importante haber resuelto asuntos como  ¿quià ©n se hace cargo de los nià ±os?  ¿quià ©n se hace cargo de pagar facturas?, etc. Verificar si en el estado en el que se vive hay que dar un poder de representacià ³n para que las decisiones tengan efectos legales. Finalmente, es fundamental estar informados en todo momento, evitando caer en la desesperacià ³n y tambià ©n ser và ­ctima de un fraude. Tener presente que en momentos de angustia siempre hay personas sin escrà ºpulos que quieren sacar ventaja econà ³mica y prometen arreglos que son imposibles. Perdà ³n para deportados Una vez fuera de Estados Unidos hay que saber que la deportacià ³n lleva una penalidad. El nà ºmero de aà ±os depende de las circunstancias de cada caso. Es cierto que es posible en casos muy excepcionales pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso. Pero son casos complicados, hay que mirar con un abogado de migracià ³n honesto si se cumplen los requisitos para pedirlo con un mà ­nimo de à ©xito. Finalmente destacar que es una idea muy mala cruzar o intentar cruzar ilegalmente la frontera despuà ©s de una deportacià ³n. La razà ³n es que se activa de forma automtica lo que se conoce como prohibicià ³n permanente. La penalidad es que se restaura la orden de deportacià ³n, puede haber multa y/o pena de prisià ³n y se impone un castigo de por vida para regresar a Estados Unidos. Puntos Clave: Deportacià ³n con Trump en nà ºmeros 256.085: nà ºmero total de deportados en el aà ±o fiscal 2018158.000: deportados en aà ±o fiscal 2018 por Manejar Mientras Intoxicado (DUI)22.796: deportados con acusacià ³n criminal pendiente de sentencia5.872: deportados por condena o sospecha de pertenencia a una pandilla5.571: deportados menores que llegaron a EE.UU. sin compaà ±Ãƒ ­a de un adulto42: deportados por sospecha de terrorismo Este artà ­culo tiene una finalidad sà ³lo informativa. No es asesorà ­a legal. Para ello, consultar con un buen abogado migratorio.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Complete an Accounting Assignment

How to Complete an Accounting Assignment How to Complete an Accounting Assignment Every year more and more high school graduates decide to choose a financial career, as it is a pace, which can lead to success and prosperity. Almost every college offers students an accounting course and a financial major, so you will definitely face these subjects along the way. However, accounting is quite a complicated subject to master, as it requires not only theoretical skills but also completing a huge amount of accounting documentation and various assignments. If you want to be able to complete all the tasks on time with minimum affords, continue reading and don’t forget to share our guide with your friends. Importance of accounting assignments When you are asked to complete a regular essay or write a personal opinion on a subject, you may neglect it and most likely your professor will forget about it without any punishments. However, when you are assigned with an accounting research paper, it is usually one of the most important tasks throughout the year and your grades will surely influence the general score. An accounting paper should contain a solution of a certain problem, offering new ideas, based on calculations, experiment results and general facts. It should also contain theory and prove various assumptions. This article contains all the answers you may need, so make yourself comfortable and go on reading to be able to complete an accounting paper without any difficulties. A common accounting paper structure As any paper on business and finances, an accounting assignment doesn’t have a general template, which could be applied in all of the cases. However, there is a common structure, which can be used not depending on the topic you are going to cover. Just follow these simple rules and we guarantee that your paper will be smooth and interesting. The regular structure of an accounting paper includes: It should be not more than a couple sentences long. Be clear and provide only key information on the topic, explaining why it is important, what were your goals and so on. Don’t forget to include a thesis statement, which will give a course to your whole work; Body parts. This section includes all the information you have collected and generated during your work on the assignment. It should contain your research, arguments, results and important data; Here you need to sum the whole work, reminding key elements of the whole paper and making predictions, based on the obtained results. How to choose a topic When it comes to such subjects as finances, accounting or math, it is harder to choose a topic and you need to have a deep knowledge of the task to be able to provide a great paper. That is why most of the students spend a lot of time trying to select a topic that will reveal their potential. That is why you need to devote a lot of your time to selecting a proper topic: complete a research, download samples, find inspiration and finally select a topic that will be not only understandable but also interesting to help you stay motivated along the way. The best accounting topics Everything you need to know about bookkeeping; Effective auditing methods; How to benefit from a personal accountant; How financial markets work; Pros and cons of credit unions; How government regulates banking institutions; Financial ethics; Online accountants: latest trend or a necessity?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The strong earthquakes happened in Sichuan province, how it influence Essay

The strong earthquakes happened in Sichuan province, how it influence local people - Essay Example It is of great concern that the Sichuan locals and the surrounding inhabitants from the towns like Yunnan and Huizhou were affected in a great extent by the destructive Wenchuan earthquake. It is an understatement to state that the earthquake only disrupted their proper livelihoods. It did more than damage and left the consequences exposed to the surviving population who are bearing the brunt. The Sichuan local authorities will be contacted for their authorization guidance and assistance of the research because of their strong connection and language advantage with the locals. The research will involve interviewing all classes from the upper class and lower class to give their experience from the earthquake and how it has impacted their lives whether positively or negatively. Wang, Li, Yuqing Zhang, Wenzhong Wang, Zhanbiao Shi, Jianhua Shen, Ming Li, and Yong Xin. "Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among adult survivors three months after the Sichuan earthquake in China." Journal of traumatic stress 22, no. 5 (2009):

Friday, October 18, 2019

How do our checks and balances work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How do our checks and balances work - Essay Example The branches are considerably equal in power and their jurisdictions are mutually independent to eliminate probability of conflict of interest in implementing the checks and balances. The legislative arm of the government that consist of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives, makes laws that govern operations of other government arms as well as citizens. Administrative law, as developed by the legislature, for example, determines organization of the executive in implementation of its governing roles. The legislature also has the sole role of developing bills that regulate government policies, such as tax policies, and this checks on the executive arm’s authority to develop and implement rules policies that relates to taxation. The legislature therefore regulates tax rates that may be imposed by the executive on citizens and corporate parties. The legislature also ensures checks on the executive through its powers to impeach an officer in the executive arm of the government for improper conduct. Such impeachment powers are also dispersed within the legislature to ensure balance and checks in their implementation. The House of Representative, for example, serves the role of impeaching officers in the executive arm of the government while the congress presides over impeachment cases. The same impeachment role applies over judicial officers and it ensures that the judiciary and the executive are run in accordance with the law and any other constitutionally established standard (Adamson and Morrison 31). Our checks and balances also work through the roles and powers of the judiciary over constitutionality of laws and actions. The power to determine constitutionality of laws offers checks over the legislature by ensuring that enacted laws or amendments are consistent with the constitution. In its roles and powers, the judiciary that is headed by the Supreme Court can declare legislation unconstitutional through its mandate of interpreting the constitution and such a pronouncement renders the subject legislation null and void. The role therefore checks on the legislatures powers to make laws and discourages legislations that are beyond the powers and scope of the houses under the doctrine of ultra vires. The judiciary also offers checks over the executive through its veto powers over decisions made by the executives and its officers. This is also based on its interpretative role that determines constitutionality of controversial decisions by the executive branch. This allows the courts to rescind a decision by a representative of the executive arm (Adamson and Morrison 32). Similarly, our checks and balances work through the powers of the executive arm of the government over both the judiciary and the legislature. The power of the precedent, the head of the executive arm, to approve of all laws that the legislature passes offers check by ensuring that the laws are valid. The powers also ensure that the legislatureâ€℠¢s interest is not passed into law by subjecting the passed laws to an independent party to the law making process. The Congress however has powers to reverse a decision by the executive not to approve legislation and this identifies the role of the three arms of government in ensuring valid laws. The legislature makes the law, the executive approves the laws, and the judiciary interprets them for implementation, besides validating controversial ones, by the

Tourism research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tourism research - Essay Example In the end, every tourism research has its own exceptional methodology, as defined by the supervisors and researchers overseeing the research. This report was conducted because of the turn down of visitors to regional parks. It seeks to obtain information that will enable park managers to improve park attractions and service quality. Since the relevant information obtained through visitor surveys can help assess the visitor’s behavior and their expectations of national parks, the supervisors and researchers decided to conduct a quantitative survey through a self completion questionnaire. The research review was centered mainly on visitors to regional parks. According to Balalia and Petrescu (2011), in order to motivate visitors to visit regional parks, park managers and supervisors had to understand the aspirations, needs and behaviors of the visitors. The research methodology also required interpretation and communication of the aims, park values and goals with the aim of improving visitor experiences and support. A questionnaire was developed with relevant questions posted to a sample of the visitor population. The survey asked questions on frequency, awareness and purpose in areas where potential issues exist. The questions about the participants themselves included gender, place of residence, age group as well as the highest level of education completed. Other questions included the main mode of transportation when visiting a regional park, frequency of visits, who accompanies the participants to the park as well as type of events that would attract them to the park. The questionnaire method was chosen because it is less expensive and the questions were few to answer hence, less time consuming. The answers that were obtained were analyzed carefully to be able to understand the information about visitors. The participants were requested to fill in the questionnaire during two weeks of 1st August to 14th August 2011. The sample of

Dannon Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dannon Company - Research Paper Example Dannon has since become the yoghurt founding company in America. Dannon is one of the leading producers of beverages, packaged foods and top selling yoghurt brands globally. The main value of the company is Health and Nutrition. The mission of the company is towards the provision of health through the food supply to the largest number of people possible (Dannon’s CSR 2009 Overview). The vision of the company is health for all people. The company is always looking for different ways of encouraging people to eat healthier and delightful tasting dairy products. Dannon produces and sells over 100 different products across the globe which varies in different sizes, styles and flavors of cultured dairy products. Transparency 1. Level of public disclosure. The company has a high level of public disclosure. That is, Dannon Company makes the information about its company public and makes it open to investors and shareholders. In every financial year, the company makes public its CSR re port, events and all annual reports. The company gives a press release of all activities taking place including company awards and all nutrition grants. All this is done with the aim of enhancing investor and shareholder confidence on the company. 2. Responsibility for environment/sustainable development. Dannon Company engages in Corporate Social Responsibility activities. ... nt, company has also increased its health and nutrition and nature of its produces which include packaging, energy consumption and manufacturing (Dannon’s CSR 2009 Overview). The company has also cut by 10% on its overall carbon footprint during the 2009 financial year. As part of its responsibility towards sustainable development, Dannon Company helps people in making informed food choices in order to improve their health and nutrition. Dannon Company also supports initiatives which encourage nutrition education, supports research and education which help in exploration of the relationship between better health and nutrition. To Dannon Company, its responsibility goes beyond the usual business of just producing yogurt products as it the company’s privilege to be an active partner in the provision of families with information and tools required for health lives. Dannon Company is committed to three core values in its corporate social responsibility activities, and they include health and nutrition, nature and people. The company is highly committed in the production of those products which are quite useful to the consumer (Laszlo, 2003). The company strives to makes nutritious products, engages families and children at the community level, and makes use of Dannon Next Generation Nutrition to help children in understanding the usefulness of healthy eating habits. The company also limits the kind of products to advertise to children and engages in childhood nutrition education programs. When it comes to nature, the company is highly committed to environmental sustainability as it has been saving on its carbon foot print, has reduced the quantity of its primary packaging and also saves fuel by re-inventing different ways of making energy saving bottles and cups. The

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Time Machine- H.G. Wells Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Time Machine- H.G. Wells - Essay Example The writer may have used the word â€Å" time traveler† in order to increase the readers’ interest in the story. The readers must have developed an urge to know who this time traveler is. For that reason the readers must have read the story till the end. H.G.Wells himself considers it convenient to name the protagonist as time traveler. In the initial lines of the novel the writer declares, â€Å" The Time Traveller(for it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us† ( Wells 5). Another reason may be that the main priority of the writer may be the events of the story not the characters. Perhaps â€Å"Wells’ focus is on atmosphere and plot more than on character. Only three people in the book are given names (the narrator and the traveler not among them) and none are developed with any great psychological depth† ( Greenlee para 2). The writer has used generalized characters and has left the specific details omitted. He has used his characters as generalized symbols representing different aspects of his own

Pretzel company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Pretzel company - Essay Example Mission Statement The mission statement of Angelix Pretzels is to create the finest quality hard salted pretzels with a commitment to incorporate the freshest and richest nutritional ingredients. The products of Angelix Pretzels will meet the highest standard of excellence and offer greater value to the customer with enhanced quality. Furthermore, Angelix Pretzels will also seek to respond to the changing needs of potential customers as well as offers product at competitive price. Objectives The objectives of Angelix Pretzels are as follows: To enhance profit and production without compromising product quality To generate strong sales in the city’s major supermarket chains To maintain consolidated control on cost of business operations Company History Angelix Pretzels will offer delicious and nutritious hard salted pretzel products in the market of Washington City. The company will be established as a general partnership business. The business partners will be liable for perfo rming all managerial responsibilities. In order to expand the business, Angelix Pretzels will attempt to take the advantage of demand of hard salted pretzel in the city of Washington. In order to survive in the market, the company will strive hard to build a loyal customer base. The company will be registered as Angelix Pretzels and will operate its business solely from the city of Washington. Marketing Mix In order to survive in a market any new company needs to constantly produce and deliver quality products in an increasingly sustainable way, while meeting business objectives simultaneously. Thus, in order to achieve the business objectives, Angelix Pretzels should ensure that it balances the four elements or the 4Ps of marketing mix. Product Angelix Pretzels will produce and market standard hard salted pretzels product. The standard hard salted pretzels product will be made by considering the nutritional value and health of the customers. In view of that, 1 Oz (ounce) of hard sa lted pretzels will contain 108 calories which can be further include 8% of fats, 83% of carbohydrates and 9% of protein. The common serving size of hard salted pretzels will be 1 Oz, 10 Oz and 100 Oz. Angelix Pretzels will emphasize on attaining greater profitability through increased sales of its product and critically place importance in satisfying the customers’ needs and preferences. Nowadays, people have become concerned about health related issues, and thus they desire for eating healthy food without compromising the taste. Hence, Angelix Pretzels would be very careful while using wholesome ingredients in its product. In order to maintain the quality of its product, Angelix Pretzels will prudently select its suppliers. It will ensure greater customer satisfaction (Hood and Morgan, â€Å"Marketing a Food Product: Marketing Considerations for a Small-Scale Food Processor†). Price Pricing is vital for opening any new business because price can determine the sales as well as amount of profit. In order to maintain the position in the market, Angelix Pretzels will offer its’ product at competitive price. The price fixed by the company for its product would be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Time Machine- H.G. Wells Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Time Machine- H.G. Wells - Essay Example The writer may have used the word â€Å" time traveler† in order to increase the readers’ interest in the story. The readers must have developed an urge to know who this time traveler is. For that reason the readers must have read the story till the end. H.G.Wells himself considers it convenient to name the protagonist as time traveler. In the initial lines of the novel the writer declares, â€Å" The Time Traveller(for it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us† ( Wells 5). Another reason may be that the main priority of the writer may be the events of the story not the characters. Perhaps â€Å"Wells’ focus is on atmosphere and plot more than on character. Only three people in the book are given names (the narrator and the traveler not among them) and none are developed with any great psychological depth† ( Greenlee para 2). The writer has used generalized characters and has left the specific details omitted. He has used his characters as generalized symbols representing different aspects of his own

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Piper Aircraft Co v Reyno Essay Example for Free

Piper Aircraft Co v Reyno Essay Piper Aztec, co-manufactured by American petitioners, crashed in Scotland in July 1976, killing all on board. The plane was under Scottish air traffic control, registered in Great Britain, owned/maintained by Air Navigation and Trading Co. Ltd. , and operated by McDonald Aviation Ltd. , a Scottish air taxi service. California probate court appointed Gaynell Reyno in July 1977. Procedural Facts:Â  Reyno filed a case against the petitioners, claming negligence and strict liability in the Superior Court of California, while explaining that the rules and law in California were more positive than those in Scotland. The case was removed to the US District Court for the Central District of California, before it was transferred in December 1977 to the US District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, where petitioners filed a motion to dismiss on the ground of forum non conveniens. After finding an alternative forum in Scotland, the District Court granted the motion and dismissed the complaint in October 1979. However, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit reversed the District Court’s decision on the grounds that dismissal is automatically barred when the law of an alternative forum is less favorable for the plaintiff than the law of the forum that has been chosen by the plaintiff.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Themes In A Dolls House

The Themes In A Dolls House Sacrifice is a powerful theme that pervades these two plays, and expresses itself through its characters as well as its plot. However, the manner in which it is portrayed to the reader varies between these two plays. While sacrifice was depicted as combined with surrender in A Dolls House, in Antigone, it came merged with insurgence. There is sacrifice of love, hate, and morals and ultimately, sacrifice of self. Not only was this integrated into its protagonists lives, but it also came from its supporting characters as well. In this essay, I aim to explore the different ways in which Sophocles and Ibsen incorporated the theme of Sacrifice in their respective works. In A Dolls House, the sacrificial role of women was expressed exhaustively by Ibsen. The portrayal of women, beyond economic and social borders, sacrificing their love, children, morals and dignity touches a nerve among its readers. The picture where women were consistently giving up what were important to them just so they could please those around them was so universal and relatable to in this classic novel. In A Dolls House, Nora, while she was of a better social class and status than Mrs. Linde or her maid, was no different from them when it came to giving up those important to her. She renounced her own father when he was in his death bed just so she could save her husband and Mrs. Linde chose to give up her true love, Krogstad, when she was obliged to save her family from poverty. Even the maid in their home had to forgo bringing up her own children just so she could bring up someone elses and earn the money to support hers. This shows unconditional sacrifice for someone else. In Antigone, the situation is no different. Antigone sacrifices her love, Haemon, so she can fight for justice. Although she prioritizes justice over Haemon, she still makes a big sacrifice in her life to go through with her fight. On the other hand, at the very end of the play, Eurydice kills herself for she could not continue living without her son. This shows that she was willing to do anything for someone she loved, including killing herself. While the women in both plays portray unconditional sacrifice to those near and dear to them, the men completely represent the opposite. Torvald, Noras oppressive and condescending husband makes it clear that he would give up anything but his integrity. His status and prestige matter so much to him that he is willing to go to any lengths to show off his house as perfect and flawless to the society, including forcing Nora to stay at home even though he renounces her. He prioritizes his reputation over his own wife and states à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦no man would sacrifice his honor for the one he loves. This situation is recreated in Antigone when Creon is contemplating his reaction to finding his own niece, Antigone, doing the one thing he forbids, burying Polynices. He is willing to save his niece from the cruel fate that was promised to anyone who disobeyed his law, but he is unable to let her go free in front of the public eyes. He too, like Helmer, prioritizes his repute over his own niece and sentences her to die. He refuses to bend his laws to save his own kith and kin at the fear of losing his name. Another form of sacrifice is the sacrifice of ego and recognition. Nora performs this form of sacrifice throughout the story until up to the very end. All her value and abilities are suppressed by Torvald and she bears his condescending, and patronizing attitude with humility and meekness. She belittles herself and resigns to accept her place as inferior to Torvald. Ibsens usage of metaphors and imageries of birds which symbolize the weak, feeble and vulnerable, represent Noras position in her family. She is powerless and susceptible to her husbands every whim. Nora hides the fact that she had single-handedly saved her husbands life as she was hesitant to tell him that he owed a woman his life. She is proud of her achievements, but she is forced to keep it a secret, thus sacrificing recognition. Yet again, she was protecting Torvalds ego by sacrificing hers. She continuously boosts her husbands pride by saying things like Everything you do is quite right, Torvald while welcoming him to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦criticize [her] and correct [her]. Then there is sacrifice of love. Mrs. Linde chooses to leave her one true love, Krogstad when she was obliged to save her family by marrying another, richer, man. While she never stops loving Krogstad, she is bound by her duties as a daughter. While Nora does the opposite, they are both similar in the fact that they give up someone close to the good of another and they have had to make tough choices. In Antigone, Antigone sacrifices her love, Haemon, so she can protect him. Although she still loves him, she chooses to hurt him in order to protect him from the consequences of her actions. This act of selflessness was noble and just like Nora and Mrs. Linde, it was for someone she loved. Another form of sacrifice that is most vivid and poignant is the works is the sacrifice of ones happiness. Nora does outrageous, sometimes ridiculous, things just to make her husband happy at the expense of her own. She indulges Torvalds craze and dances the tarantella just so she could play up to Torvalds desires. She hides her stealthy eating of the macaroons and knitting so she could à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦have everything just as Torvald likes it. She also goes without buying a Christmas present for herself so she can save it repay the money she borrowed for Torvald. Nora hardly seems to listen to her heart or her head and blindly follows what she knows would make Torvald happy. Most times, Torvalds happiness à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦comes out of [her] own necessaries of life. Sadly, Torvald never seems to notice à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it was often very hard on [her] In Antigone, Creon repeatedly tries to convince Antigone that it was not worth sacrificing herself for her brother. However, Antigone refuses saying I want everything of life , I do; and I want it total, complete; otherwise I reject it! I will not be moderateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. If not, I want to die! When Creon proceeds to tell Antigone that she could not afford to be so demanding and she had to accept life with all its complexities, Antigone explodes furiously. She claims that happiness was nothing if she had to compensate her perfect ideals and she decides that she would have all or nothing. Thus she sacrifices the happiness she could have had by choosing to ignore Creons words. She wants to live in a surreal utopia or die. This inability to adjust and cope with lifes tirades eventually brings about her demise. Lastly, the ultimate act of sacrifice is when Nora does is when she decides to leave her children in the end when she opts to leave her dolls house and go see the world. She obviously loves them deeply, as seen in Act One by the way she interacts with them. But she believes that she makes a worse and a corruptive parent than her maid and her husband and she makes the heart-wrenching decision to leave her children. This concern and love she has for her children makes her want to give them the best she can and she does that by leaving them. Finally, in Antigone, Antigone performs the ultimate sacrifice, the sacrifice of herself. She hangs herself before she could be killed by Creons guards and by doing that, she takes the last stand before Creon. Thus, Antigone stages her last act of revolt for Creons laws and decrees. What Antigone does is reflective of many societies where many women take such rash and impetuous actions to demonstrate their mutiny. While it was a self-less act of sacrifice and for the betterment of her society, it was also reckless and damaging. Haemon, too, sacrifices himself, but his was for love while Antigones was for justice. In conclusion, while contexts, settings, time period and surroundings varies between the two plays, the theme of sacrifice unites them beyond social and cultural barriers. The act of giving up something or someone was connected them both. However, certain disparity occurs when the extent of sacrifice is delved into. The Greek era, the era in which Antigone was set in, showcases a time of extremes where perfection and power were the baseline to the lives of the people, thus sacrifice of ones self for a petty reason was not a terrible, horrendous issue as it would have been in the more modern times. While a Norwegian play set in the modern realistic times (A Dolls House) brought about slightly more acceptable sacrifices such as the sacrifice women make, it also brings about issues of extreme societal boundaries and excessive expectations of certain behavior from the man and woman of the household. Today, in the modern realist perspective, those requirements would be far more uncommon a nd unusual.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis Essay -- Drug Abuse, Substance Abus

The rate of death due to prescription drug abuse in the U.S. has escalated 313 percent over the past decade. According to the Congressional Quarterly Transcription’s article "Rep. Joe Pitt Holds a Hearing on Prescription Drug Abuse," opioid prescription drugs were involved in 16,650 overdose-caused deaths in 2010, accounting for more deaths than from overdoses of heroin and cocaine. Prescribed drugs or painkillers sometimes "condemn a patient to lifelong addiction," according to Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This problem not only affects the lives of those who overdose but it affects the communities as well due to the convenience of being able to find these items in drug stores and such. Not to mention the fact that the doctors who prescribe these opioids often tend to misuse them as well. Abusing these prescribed drugs can â€Å"destroy dreams and abort great destinies," and end the possibility of the abuser to have a posit ive impact in the community. Drugs cause an overall disturbance in a subjects’ physiological, psychological and emotional health. â€Å"At the individual level, drug abuse creates health hazards for the user, affecting the educational and general development of youths in particular† (â€Å"Fresh Challenge†). In youth specifically, drug abuse can be triggered by factors such as: a parent’s abusive behavior, poor social skills, family history of alcoholism or substance abuse, the divorce of parents or guardians, poverty, the death of a loved one, or even because they are being bullied at school (â€Å"Drugs, brains, and behavior†) . In certain circumstances, the consumption of drugs might have had originated because of a psychological disorder that needed drugs in order for t... ... 2013: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 06 Dec 2013. "New Data Show Rise in Prescription Drug Abuse." Targeted News Service (USA) 11 Apr. 2011,: NewsBank. Web. 6 Dec. 2013. "Fresh Challenge Against Drug Abuse." 11 Apr. 2011 , NEWS: NewsBank. Web. 6 Dec. 2013. Gwinnell, Esther, and Christine Adamec. "drug addiction." Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. "drug addiction." Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 20 Jan. 2014 "Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction." Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction. Feb. 2007: 1-30. SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. Kahn, Ada P., and Jan Fawcett. The Encyclopedia of Mental Health. 2nd ed. New York: Facts On File, 2001. Shannon, Kari. "Domestic Violence Detection at St. Catherine's." Chicago HealthCare, December 1991.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ruffies The Date Rape Drug :: Papers

Ruffies The Date Rape Drug They’re called "roofies," "R-2s," "rib," "rope," "The Club Drug," "Mexican Valium." The clinical name is Flunitrazepam, but it’s the effect that is important. It’s called the "date rape drug" because one of its most frightening and dangerous uses is to commit sexual assault: a drug slipped into a drink without the victim’s knowledge. Roofies are tasteless, colorless, odorless, and they dissolve in liquid within seconds. When the drug is taken or ingested alone it creates a drunk-like state; when used with other drugs such as alcohol it can become a lethal mix. A year before he killed himself, rock star Kurt Cobain was in a coma and nearly died after taking Rohypnol. The effects include dizziness, confusion, stomach upset, temporary paralysis, blackout and amnesia. The drug renders its victim helpless: there is loss of control, loss of inhibitions, an inability to know what’s happening. Effects begin within a few minutes and last up to 12 hours, depending on the amount ingested. The victim goes in and out of consciousness, aware of some things, totally unaware of others. It’s the perfect agenda for sexual assault on an unwilling victim How to Protect Yourself The drug is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. You simply cannot tell if a roofie has been placed in your drink. There have been numerous reports of rapes following use of the drug by unknowing victims. Because of the potential for abuse, observe these precautions: 1. Never accept a drink from someone you don’t know and TRUST. Order sealed drinks you can open yourself. Watch the bartender make your drink and don’t use wait-people. 2. Never leave your drink unattended. ALWAYS keep your drink in your hand, not left on the bar or table. Take your drink to the rest room with you, or’ Give your drink to someone you know you can trust. If you do leave your drink unattended, order a new one. 3. Use the "buddy system": Tell your friends where you are at a party. Never leave without accounting for those you came with. Watch your friends’ drinks if they’re not alert. Have a designated driver. 4. If you hear someone in your group kidding about "date drugs," pay attention: often someone planning to use a drug jokes about it, trying to get a reaction from others. This should be a warning: leave the company of that person.